Tuesday, April 25, 2006

♂ Nogold Bowl Tournament

ucapan penganjur

dhorm yang bermurah hati ambik dan hantar aku pulang! thanks buddy! (jan sesat lagi yek heheh)

My trio , tapi permainan yg buruk aku menyebabkan derang ni tak merasa hamper petang ni ekekekekeke!

seisi mencabut undi

ngauman singa feoneo

eh eh... besarnya hamper!! bagi sikit... dah banyak egold hamper bleh lah pass sini!

Check This out, some pic may caught your interest!


fia Azyze: 200
fia Azyze: berapa nak?
Aaron: rate brapa
fia Azyze: rm800 = $205
fia Azyze: 3.90
Aaron: murah sikit2 ler
fia Azyze: berapa nak?
Aaron: 500 kalo rate ko ngam
Aaron: brapa lowest
fia Azyze: 3.85
Aaron: cukup ker 500?
fia Azyze: cukup
Aaron: ok bleh
Aaron: apa nikname nogold and maybank number
fia Azyze: sky563
fia Azyze: *****
fia Azyze: u nak lebih tak?
Aaron: ada brapa lebih
fia Azyze: i kasi ****
Aaron: hmm ok
fia Azyze: ok
Aaron: apa nama maybank?
fia Azyze: sofia azizah
Aaron: jao
Aaron: jap
fia Azyze: *****
Aaron: phone number?
fia Azyze: 01***
Aaron: kl line ker tu?
fia Azyze: yep
Aaron: jap aku call
fia Azyze: oh wait
fia Azyze: have to get my phone first
fia Azyze: gimmer ur number.. i miss call u
Aaron: ****
Aaron: ok got it
fia Azyze: got it?
fia Azyze: ok
Aaron: jap
Aaron: To Open 3rd Party Account: ***
Amount: ****
Effective Date: Today
Account Holder Name: SOFIA AZIZAH BINTI M
Reference Number: *****
Transaction Date/Time: 25 Apr 2006 19:49:20

Aaron: done
Aaron: ******
Aaron: ait
Aaron: dah transfer terus offline ker
Aaron: kekekekke
Aaron: hoh
Aaron: dun try to play funny kekekkee
fia Azyze: sorry
fia Azyze has signed back in. (2006-4-25 19:52)

fia Azyze: daughter off pc
Aaron: ok
fia Azyze: haiya in the middle of a transaction
Aaron: go on with the deal
fia Azyze: gimme ur egold number again
Aaron: *******
fia Azyze: hold on ok
Aaron: ok
fia Azyze: e-metal® payment confirmation: Batch ***Paid To: *****

Amount: ***
fia Azyze: done
fia Azyze:
Aaron: ok
Aaron: thank lots for that
fia Azyze: pls rate me at nogold
Aaron: im sorry i cant
fia Azyze: u are not a nogold member?
Aaron: im just a third party scammer
Aaron: thank for ur egold anyway
fia Azyze: what do you mean by that?
Aaron: i am a third party
Aaron: just hack this ym
fia Azyze: then who pays me?
Aaron: the one who i "scam"
Aaron: then the money goes to ur account
Aaron: but the egold goes to mine
Aaron: but i will gv 20 to him later on
Aaron: dun worry
Aaron: i take the 500 only
Aaron: can i?
fia Azyze: errr... why u do that?
Aaron: then they will accused u the scammer....
Aaron: er why???
Aaron: hmmm
Aaron: let me think first
Aaron: .........
Aaron: i oso duno leh
Aaron: for fun maybe
Aaron: but by the way
Aaron: u got the money oredy rite
fia Azyze: up to you laa... but i'm a genuine seller
Aaron: then its urs lor
Aaron: kekekkee
fia Azyze: i know
Aaron: so can i have it?
Aaron: if you say kenot so kenot lor
Aaron: i will gv the real owner
fia Azyze: dun play2 laa... it's not funny
Aaron: really
Aaron: i will gv back lor if u wanted me to
Aaron: dun feel like doing scam today
fia Azyze:
Aaron: so how
Aaron: shud i take it or shud i gv the payee?
fia Azyze: of course give the payee laa...
Aaron: ok hold on
fia Azyze: who's buying really?
Aaron: got ppl wan to buy lor
Aaron: have u ever hear this blog?
fia Azyze: what blog?
Aaron: http://www.yuyuaaron.blogspot.com
fia Azyze: omg!
fia Azyze:
Aaron: heheh
fia Azyze: so can u rate me at nogold?
Aaron: something funny?
Aaron: kekkee
Aaron: already did lah kawan
Aaron: cuba chek
Aaron: kekekekkekeke
Aaron: miahahahahhahaha
fia Azyze: it'll be funnier if i didnt send u the gold
fia Azyze:
Aaron: btw u r lucky number 18 kekekekkeke
Aaron: but dun try try with me kekekke coz i can trace ur maybank username kekekekke
fia Azyze:
fia Azyze: as i told u before, i'm a genuine seller
Aaron: kekekekkeke
Aaron: ok dun foget to rate me back
fia Azyze: sure!
Aaron: thank for the deal anyway
fia Azyze: no problem!
Aaron: im just a noti boring admin who "scam" ppl in nogold kekekkekeke


♂ Karate Tournament Taman Tasik Titiwangsa 2006

Candid all the way

♂ Jangan Ketawa Part 3

wah............ dia "scam" aku ler......... :D

koon how: bang... u there?
Aaron: yup
koon how: m2u dah ok
Aaron: aku nak beli 55 biji
koon how: aiks
koon how: ok la
koon how: no prob
Aaron: bagi mebenk
koon how: 1*********** LIN KOON HOW
koon how: email: [email]*******@gmail.com[/email]
Aaron: apa id nogold
koon how: jangan lupa isi email ok
koon how: kiddo la
koon how: nick nogold
koon how: nick u yuyuaaron kan
Aaron: yap
koon how: kalau tak silap u asal swak atau sabah .. hehe
Aaron: egold aku ******
Aaron: sabah
koon how: ok
Aaron: fund pi eg aku dulu, ada berani kah hehhee
koon how: gila kah
koon how: 1 sen ok la
Aaron: ops silap
koon how: jap
Aaron: jan masuk di sini
Aaron: masuk di sini
koon how: masuk mana?
Aaron: ********(*****)
koon how: aiks
koon how:
koon how: siapa tu
Aaron: aiya jan banyak tanya lah, amoi saya lor
koon how: orait
koon how: dah
koon how: 1sen
koon how:
koon how: oi
koon how: u dah transfer m2u ke
Aaron: jan purak2 tak tau ler
Aaron: chek email
koon how: yala
Aaron: kan ada notification
koon how: i ingat blom
koon how: yup
koon how:
Aaron: kekeke
koon how: jap
koon how: $55 on da way
koon how: e-metal® payment confirmation: Batch 59872619
Paid To: ***** (*******)
Amount: 55 US Dollars' worth of Gold
Memo: kiddo aka mightyhow


******** (Lin Koon How)
koon how: beres
Aaron: 4/20/2006
17:21 Payment Received 59872619 Gold +0.089155 2***** 50.00 USD 616.90
From: Lin Koon How
Memo: kiddo aka mightyhow
Aaron: biar betul ko ni kawan
Aaron: hehehe
Aaron: mana 5 usd lagi
koon how: eh brader
koon how: dun play play
Aaron: aiyo
Aaron: tak besh lah cam ni
Aaron: jan main2 weh aku ngantuk ni
koon how: 4/20/2006
17:21 Payment Made 59872619 Gold -0.089155 28****** 55.00 USD 616.90
To: *******
Memo: kiddo aka mightyhow

koon how: history $55 ok
Aaron: ??????
Aaron: aiyo
Aaron: pesal plak history aku 50 jek??
koon how: mana tau
Aaron: ada printscreen tak
koon how: i capture screen
koon how: jap
Aaron: ok ok
koon how: wei... accept lar
Aaron: aiyo
Aaron: tak besh lah maciam ni
You have received 1 file from koon how.
Open (Alt+Shift+O)

koon how: u capture urs too pls
koon how: eh... $5 buat per i nak kencing u
Aaron: aiyo
Aaron: jap jap
Aaron: aduih connection plak tak baguih ni
Aaron: boleh tanya soalan tak
koon how: nak tanya per??
Aaron: bleh tak aku ban ngan alasan ko scammer???
koon how: huh? ban?
koon how: tak faham
Aaron: considering nak ban lah id cam ni...
Aaron: wau
koon how: ban id apa? u nak ban id i?
Aaron: nak tanya pendapat dulu ni
Aaron: aku tak ban terus nak tau pendapat je
koon how: i dah transfer $55 la
koon how: im serious
koon how: can u pls capture your screen and send to me
Aaron: aku dah try tak bleh nak capture
Aaron: takan aku plak yg scammer ni???
koon how: tak kan tak leh capture
Aaron: aduuuuhh
Aaron: jom kita setel di nogold jap kalo cam ni
koon how: ok can no problem
Aaron: takan plak aku nak tipu
Aaron: jap lagi aku buat satu thread
koon how: me too
koon how: please give me the link after u create
Aaron: ok jap
koon how: hey apsal tak boleh capture screen... what's the problem?
Aaron: i duno
Aaron: jap
Aaron: im trying still

[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]GOTCHA!!! Selamat datang rancangan JANGAN KETAWA!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]


Jangan Ketawa Part 2 (someone try to "scam" me back)

ada sorang nak "scam" aku balik tapi kantoi plak hehehehhe :D :D :D

PicoZoO NogoLD: mau egold bang
Aaron: brapa biji, brapa rate
PicoZoO NogoLD: ada 100 ketul nih
PicoZoO NogoLD: rate brapa bang mau
Aaron: jap chek jap aku punya stok eg
PicoZoO NogoLD: ok
Aaron: 60 rate 3.8 bleh tak?
PicoZoO NogoLD: 60 je ke?
PicoZoO NogoLD: amik 100 laa.... kire murah sket
PicoZoO NogoLD: mau kaa
PicoZoO NogoLD: ada brani?
PicoZoO NogoLD:
Aaron: heheheh smalam aku baru beli borong ngan orang ni, stok "gold" dalam maybank plak limited kekeke
PicoZoO NogoLD: owh yer kee
PicoZoO NogoLD:
PicoZoO NogoLD: admin kene laa simpan duit banyakkk
PicoZoO NogoLD:
PicoZoO NogoLD: ok ok
PicoZoO NogoLD: nak 60 ke
Aaron: muahahaha masalahnya aku dah hentak rm8k smalam mana ada duit banyak lagi kekekke
PicoZoO NogoLD: waaa 8k tuuu
Aaron: hentak pun bukan untuk jual balik, reinvest semua
Aaron: kekekek
PicoZoO NogoLD: ko nih banyak duit tul laah
PicoZoO NogoLD: sedekah aku sket
PicoZoO NogoLD:
Aaron: so camana, tu jek aku mampu ni
PicoZoO NogoLD: boleh
PicoZoO NogoLD: fund first ok
PicoZoO NogoLD:
Aaron: 1*** yuyuaaron = nah fund di sini
PicoZoO NogoLD: yu fund me first
PicoZoO NogoLD: 1622 6321 2455 - maybank
Aaron: aiyo
PicoZoO NogoLD: alaa...
Aaron: apa nikname ko ni aku tak penah dealing ngan ko lagi
PicoZoO NogoLD: picozoo dalam nogold
Aaron: bagi link ex echanger
PicoZoO NogoLD: search aje laa lam nogold ID tu
Aaron: aiya banyak keja ni
PicoZoO NogoLD: adey
PicoZoO NogoLD: ok ok lah
PicoZoO NogoLD: sat nak bubuh
Aaron: kejap lagi nak kluar dah
PicoZoO NogoLD: Paid To: 19**** (yuyuaaron) Amount: 60 US Dollars' worth of Gold Memo: aku jual From: 2735301 (Network182 inc) Actual payment weight = 0.034135 oz. (1.061725 grams) Equivalent USD amount of this payment: $60.00 Applicable Conversion factors: 1 oz. troy = 31.1034768 grams Gold exchange rate = 615.20USD/oz. The e-metal payment was successful. Your batch number for confirmation is 59705763 Thank you for using e-gold.
Aaron: maybank name apa
PicoZoO NogoLD: 1622 6321 2455 - maybank
Aaron: wow
Aaron: kena scam ye
PicoZoO NogoLD: huh?
Aaron: kekekkeke
PicoZoO NogoLD: apesal
Aaron: tak tertipu punye
PicoZoO NogoLD: tak masuk ke?
Aaron: muahahaha
PicoZoO NogoLD: aik
PicoZoO NogoLD: dah bubuh lahh
Aaron: hehhehe nak buat camane, memang tak masuk kekekke
PicoZoO NogoLD: alamakk
PicoZoO NogoLD: weii
PicoZoO NogoLD: dah bubuh laaa
PicoZoO NogoLD: apesal nii
Aaron: oh
Aaron: ye ker
Aaron: hehhe
Aaron: aku nak scam lah ni kononnye ye
Aaron: kekkekekekke
PicoZoO NogoLD: huh
PicoZoO NogoLD:
PicoZoO NogoLD: saje je nak memain
PicoZoO NogoLD:
Aaron: cis buang masa aku je
Aaron: aku nak kluar ni
PicoZoO NogoLD:
PicoZoO NogoLD: aku bace post ko lam nogold
PicoZoO NogoLD: hihihi
Aaron: hehhehe aku tenguk avatar ko pun aku dah tau dah
PicoZoO NogoLD: hahaha
PicoZoO NogoLD: apesal lak?
PicoZoO NogoLD:
Aaron: memang kalau ko jual skalipun takan tertipu ngan trrick aku
Aaron: sebab ko ada dalam post tu
PicoZoO NogoLD: hehehe
Aaron: dalam thread tu
Aaron: muahahaha
PicoZoO NogoLD: tu laa pasal
PicoZoO NogoLD: dah terkantoi plakk
Aaron: aku saja nak ikut "game" ko hehehheheh
PicoZoO NogoLD:
PicoZoO NogoLD: aku tak reti nak tipu org....
Aaron: btw aku memang takan fund maybank org dulu kalau first deal hehehehe
PicoZoO NogoLD: hehehhe ye ke
Aaron: yg 15 org dikenakan tu suma fund masuk eg aku dulu lah
Aaron: ada yg 2 kali ditipu hehehhehe
PicoZoO NogoLD: oh
Aaron: lucunyeee
PicoZoO NogoLD: hihi jahat betoi
Aaron: syok nak tenguk reaksi
Aaron: miahahahhaa
PicoZoO NogoLD: hehehe
Aaron: terutamanya "oi biar betul!!"
PicoZoO NogoLD: hahhaa
Aaron: ni bahagian part yg aku ketawa berabis depan pc
PicoZoO NogoLD: betui tuuu
Aaron: miahahahhahaa
PicoZoO NogoLD: nanti aku nak pekena org len plak
Aaron: heheheh ngam ngam
Aaron: jangan sampai di chop scammer to be sudah lah
Aaron: kekekkekekekke
PicoZoO NogoLD: ehh ko admin nogold ekk
PicoZoO NogoLD: camne ko jadi admin?
Aaron: aku punya ada di testimonial so org bleh tau memang slalu buat
Aaron: kalo ko buat first time hati2 nanti org chop bakal scammer
Aaron: kekekkekekek
PicoZoO NogoLD: hihihi
Aaron: admin?
PicoZoO NogoLD: aku buat kat kengkawan
Aaron: tak tau le
Aaron: kekekkekek
PicoZoO NogoLD: a'ah
PicoZoO NogoLD: ko buat forum tuh kee
Aaron: aku admin ker?
PicoZoO NogoLD: ampeh
Aaron: baru plak aku tau aku ni admin mihahahaha
PicoZoO NogoLD: huh
PicoZoO NogoLD: mabok pe ko nih
PicoZoO NogoLD:
Aaron: cuba send resume mungkin bleh jadi admin kot hehhee
PicoZoO NogoLD: hihi
PicoZoO NogoLD: tanak aku
PicoZoO NogoLD: tak berminat
PicoZoO NogoLD: banyak mende lain kene buat
PicoZoO NogoLD: eh eh okey lah nak sambung keje
PicoZoO NogoLD:
PicoZoO NogoLD: bai bai
Aaron: hehheeh scam yg tak menjadi yek hehehhe
PicoZoO NogoLD:
PicoZoO NogoLD: jgn post lam forum plak :D [COLOR="DarkRed"](alamak tak sengaja dah terpost heheheh!)[/COLOR]
Aaron: heheheh ok
Aaron: see ya. nak pi keja dah ni
PicoZoO NogoLD: okk
PicoZoO NogoLD: byee

p/s: edit~~! tetiba aku dapat offline msg. OIIII KAMBING!! (miahahahah aku gelak pun tak tahan dah weh kekkekeke!!)

Rancangan Jangan Ketawa

dah beberapa kali sebenarnya aku pekenakan user2 yg deal ngan aku, sebab kebanyakan direct transfer tapi aku lupa nak save perbualan2 lucu hehehe. ni baru aku sempat nak save kali ni untuk tantapan umum... rancangan Jangan Ketawa

Aaron (2006-4-18 21:00:48): brapa engko jual
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:00:58): 3.89
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:01:15): murah sikit lagi ler
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:01:42): 3.88
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:01:56): fund di eg aku dulu bleh?
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:02:05): aik
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:02:14): apsal pulak?
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:02:39): seller selalu fund dulu
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:03:30): 1st sebab aku first deal ngan ko, 2nd slalunya user nogold transfer dulu kat aku disusuli ngan payment, 3rd jatuh teruk reputasi admin nogold kalo aku scam ko 21 usd
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:04:03): hahaha!!!
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:04:06): alah
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:04:18): aku ade dalam nogold jugak lah
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:04:24): ko boleh cek
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:04:35): aku nak kosong kan acc aku je nie
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:04:43): malas lah nak main lagi
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:04:49): apa nikname nogold ko ni
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:04:53): semenjak 12dp xde bunyi
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:04:58): mahmuddin
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:05:22): kalo ko malas nak cek
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:05:28): aku fund dulu lah
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:05:38): mane no eg ko?
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:06:09): hmmm
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:06:14): 19*****
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:06:16): yuyuaaron
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:07:25): ok
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:07:34): dah
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:07:37): ok jap
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:07:40): bagi maybank number sedia
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:07:50): Paid To: 19**** (yuyuaaron) Amount: 21 US Dollars' worth of Gold Memo: jual From: 25**** (dedekselbi) Actual payment weight = 0.034135 oz. (1.061725 grams) Equivalent USD amount of this payment: $21.00 Applicable Conversion factors: 1 oz. troy = 31.1034768 grams Gold exchange rate = 615.20USD/oz. The e-metal payment was successful. Your batch number for confirmation is 59705138 Thank you for using e-gold.
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:08:38): 16*****
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:08:43): nama maybank?
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:08:47): mahmuddin selbi
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:08:54): mmm
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:09:00): jap
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:09:04): @ dedek selbi aku rase
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:09:11): aittt??
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:09:12): mmm
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:09:15): lupe pulak
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:09:16): nama sendiri pun tak tau ker hehehhee
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:09:17): huhuhu
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:09:22): sapa punya account tu
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:09:26): lame x deal ab oi
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:09:28): aku
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:09:53): asal ade name bapak aku je betol lah tu
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:09:58): heheh ok
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:10:00): mahmuddin
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:10:03): selbi
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:10:42): 81.48 ok
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:10:44): total 81.48 kan
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:10:50): set
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:11:00): dah cek name aku ke tuh
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:11:37): [email]e****@yahoo.com[/email]
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:12:27): [COLOR="Red"]boleh tanya satu soklan ker[/COLOR]
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:12:36): ape?
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:12:41): bleh tak aku scam ko?
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:12:48): betol ke acc tu?
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:12:55): apsal pulak
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:12:57): ?
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:12:59): [COLOR="Red"]saja tetiba rasa nak scam orang :))[/COLOR]
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:13:01): sebenarnya
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:13:05): aku dah hack id yuyuaaron ni
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:13:06): [B]ko admin oi[/B]
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:13:09): ngan eg dia skali
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:13:15):
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:13:24): yeke ni?
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:13:35): [COLOR="Red"]ko jgn nak mcm2[/COLOR]
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:13:35): hehhe aku pulang balik 1 eg
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:13:44): berdosa tau
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:13:45): 20 aku ambik
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:13:46): share2
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:13:51): mmmm
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:13:51): tak dosa kan cam tu
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:14:00): kalau aku ambik semua
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:14:02): dosa ler
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:14:07): ye ker tue>?
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:14:13): mmm
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:14:13): [COLOR="Red"]lagi pun bukan ambik, minta[/COLOR]
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:14:22): haaa
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:14:34): duit haram tu eb
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:14:37): beb*
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:14:41): [B]GOTCHA[/B]
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:14:42): kasi aku balik
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:14:43): miahahahaha
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:14:50): To Open 3rd Party Account: 161*** Amount: RM81.48 Effective Date: Today Account Holder Name: MAHMUDDIN BIN SELBI Reference Number: 1158669292 Transaction Date/Time: 18 Apr 2006 21:12:19
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:14:53): saja melawak
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:14:54): aku cool je
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:14:55): kekekkekekeke
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:15:02): tergetar ker
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:15:03): kekekkekeke
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:15:08): mangsa yg ke 15 dah ni
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:15:10): kekekkekekekek
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:15:18): aku ok
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:15:21): cool je
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:15:26): siap ko
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:15:29): hehehehheemiahahahhaa
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:15:33):
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:15:37): aku tulis dalam testi ko!!!
emmett fana (2006-4-18 21:15:41): huh
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:15:48): aku memang slalu kenakan user hehehehhe
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:15:49): anyway
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:15:53): sebelum aku buat lawak tu
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:16:00): memang aku dah transfer masuk pun duit tu
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:16:11): besanya org yg panic tidak tenguk amount tu dah masuk ker belum
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:16:12): kekekkeke
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:16:15): tapi yg kali kedua
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:16:19): biasanya dia dah tau ler
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:16:21): kekekkekekekekek
Aaron (2006-4-18 21:16:39): aku nak copy paste ni bagi org share2 kekekkekekeke